Brewing Ruination IPA
5 gallons
OG = 1.075
FG = 1.010
IBU = 100+
SRM = 6
ABV = 7.9-8.5%
6.6 lbs Northwestern gold (light) malt extract syrup
2.0 lbs Northwestern gold (light) dry malt extract
1.0 Breiss 2-row malt
1 lb Briess crystal malt (15L)
1 tsp. Irish moss (60 minutes)
36.0 AAU Magnum hops (bittering hop)
(2.25 oz of 16% alpha acid)
15.7 AAU Centennial hops (aroma/finishing hop)
(1.5 oz of 10.5% alpha acid)
21.0 AAU Centennial hops
(2.0 oz of 10.5% alpha acid)
White Labs WPL001 (California Ale) yeast or Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) yeast
.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming)
Steep the 2 crushed grains in 3 gallons of water at 149 degrees F for 30 minutes. Remove grains from wort, add Magnum hops, malt syrup and bring to boil. Add Irish moss and boil for 60 minutes. Add the first addition of Centennial hops at the end of the boil, and let steep for 5 minutes.
Add wort to 2 gallons cool water in a saintary fermentor, and top off with cool waterto 5.5. gallons. Cool the wort to 75 degrees F, areate and pitch yeast. Allow beer to cool to 68 degrees F and hold at this temperature until the yeast has finished fermentation. Add last addition of Centennial hops for dry hopping. Dry hop for 3-5 days, then carbonate.
Use 14.6 lbs 2-row malt and 1.0 lbs crystal malt (15L). Mash your grains at 149 degrees F for 60 mniutes. COllect enough wort to boil for 90 minutes and have a 5.5. gallon yield. Decrease Magnum boiling hops to 1.75 oz to account for higher extration ratio of a full boil. Use the remainder of the recipe above.
Pliny the Elder Clone
With assistance from Vinnie Cilurzo of the Russian River Brewing Company
5 gallons
OG = 1.074
FG = 1.014
IBU = 100+
SRM = 8
ABV = 8-8.5%
12.2 lbs 2-row malt
.28 lbs crystal malt (45L)
.86 lbs CaraPils malt
1.0 lb dextrose (corn sugar)
19.5 AAU Chinook whole hops (mash hops)
(1.5 oz of 13% alpha acid)
42.9 AAU Warrior hops (90 minutes)
(2.75 oz of 15.6% alpha acid)
6.1 AAU Chinook hops (90 minutes)
(0.5 oz of 12.2% alpha acid)
12 AAU Simcoe hops (45 minutes)
(1.0 oz of 12% alpha acid)
14.3 AAU Columbus hops (30 minutes)
(1.0 oz of 14.3% alpha acid)
20.5 AAU Centennial hops (0 min)
(2.25 oz of 9.1% alpha acid)
12 AAU Simcoe hops (0 min)
(1.0 oz of 12% alpha acid)
3.25 oz Columbus hop (dry hop)
1.75 oz Centennial hop (dry hop)
1.75 oz Simcoe hop (dry hop)
1 tsp Irish moss
White Labs WPL001 (California Ale) yeast
.75 cup of corn sugar (for priming)
Mash your grains at 150-152 degrees F. Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops at the time indicated above. Ferment at 68 degrees F. Dry hop two weeks.
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